
SMART Meetings

- 3000 recovery meetings located in 23 countries
- Free to attend and suitable for any form of addiction of problematic behaviour
- Face-to-face or online formats
- Weekly / 90min duration
- Run by a trained facilitator

Finding a SMART Meeting

To find a SMART meeting near you visit our national office or language group meeting locaters;

SMART Recovery Australia,

SMART Recovery USA,

UK SMART Recovery,

SMART Recovery Ireland

SMART Recovery Denmark

SMART Recovery Francophone

SMART Recovery Sverige

SMART Recovery Iceland

SMART Recovery Espanol

For meetings outside of these countries please complete the contact us form and an SRI Representative will be in touch with you.

Online Meetings

SMART Recovery online meetings are accessible to all people regardless of where you live. The meetings follow the same format as our face to face meetings. They use evidence-based tools to empower people seeking assistance for addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, cigarettes, food, etc. The meetings are free and run weekly for 90mins. Each meeting is guided by a trained facilitator. Participants aren’t required to appear on camera, the meetings are conducted using a combination of voice and the text chat box feature.

SMART Recovery Australia On Line Meetings

UK SMART Recovery On Line Meetings

SMART Recovery USA Meeting Finder 

SMART Recovery Francophone

SMART Recovery Espanol

Facilitator Support

SMART Recovery International is dedicated to assisting our valued facilitators throughout their commitment to the SMART Recovery Program. We understand that the challenges of managing a meeting can be difficult and even stressful at times. We provide person to person & group support for our International Facilitators who reside in nations without a SMART Recovery National Office. Our International Support Team provides monthly & individual facilitator support meetings, resources and skills-building. We strive to create the most comfortable, progressive and successful environment for our facilitators, who are the lifeblood of our program. Contact us below to find out more.


SMART Manuals

- Self-help handbooks suitable for any addictive behaviour
- Learn the SMART Recovery 4-Point Program®
- Easy-to-use exercise worksheets
- Evidence-based tools and techniques
- Available in multiple languages and formats

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SMART Training

- Become a SMART Recovery Facilitator and start a meeting within your workplace of community
- Comprehensive training on how to facilitate the SMART Recovery addiction program
- Face-to-face / online formats


SMART Recovery National Offices


For all other regions, please get in touch